SMS Marketing is trending now a day more and more because of its innumerable benefits and limited limitations. It has taken over all the other forms of media in reference to promotions and advertisements due to various reasons. SMS Marketing is known to come as a reliable option to reach to the end users with wide range of targeted audience with text messages. I have mentioned some of the criteria on which the comparison of SMS Marketing is done with all other types of marketing.
SMS is Mobile Native
As SMS was built for mobiles only, users intutively understand its advantages and disadvantages. On the other side, many websites were previously made only for desktop but after seeing the development of mobile, they created a mobile interface too for mobile users. In short, there are no learning curve or user interface problems with SMS marketing, it is just continuing to run successfully.
Conversion Rate Is High
SMS marketing has achieved significantly higher conversion rate than most of the other marketing channels. This comes down to a combination of all of the above points. And it is speciallyrelevant to promotional SMS activities which if executed in the right place and at the right time, it would surely bring consistent and successful results.
Quantity Matters
It’s a well accepted fact that, limited text messages and more emails or ads are always better. You just need to think about how you treat your messages and emails, in case of messages we are normally tolerant but with emails if we keep on receiving mails from same address than we might not be interested in opening them all as it may prove to be a disturbance. The main point in SMS Marketing is that it provides only to the point information which is actually required and that’s what is important.
Moving Forward
Bulk SMS Service providers offer a great range of features and facilities to keep up with the emerging audience in the market. The above mentioned points are the major reasons to consider SMS Marketing better than other media.