When you send a link with an SMS text message, you have to send it as a hyperlink. This format takes you to the website directly. Want to send links with your message? Read the blog to know about the method of it.
Android Phones
All Android phones have a preview visualization system. it is available from 3.2 version and above.
The first requirement is to put the link at the beginning of the message (or at the end). If the link is in the middle of the message, you will not be able to see the preview.
The link should be followed by a word or full stop.
The hyperlink should contain protocols https:// or https://, depending on the type of the site. There are no restrictions about having a specific domain name, but http or https is mandatory.
Do not add more than one link to the message. When there are two or more links, the visualization system doesn’t work.
IOS phones
The working mechanism of Android phones and IOS phones will not be similar. Hence, you have to make the necessary change to make it compatible. Here, the sender number is supposed t be saved in the phone book of the receiver’s phone book. Not only that, it has to be a numeric sender. How to create a link preview? Even if the link is removed from the text, it will be counted in the 160 characters limit. To see the preview, the user has to click on the grey box of the link preview. When he clicks, the image becomes visible.
The link preview not just displays an image, but it shows the title and the short description as well. The values in the preview are required to be in the HTML form. In the link, the Open Graph Protocol fields are also included. When you contact a service provider, it becomes easy to create and use loading pages that the customers will be sent through text messages, when they will click on the hyperlink included in the message, they get landed to the desired page.
It improves the success ratio of your SMS campaign. You can configure the landing page with a title, image, and description for the link preview in the given application. The success of any SMS campaign largely depends on the service provider who configures messages and hyperlinks. If you have been given a front-end tool, then things become easy.