The eating-out market shows an exponential growth year on year. The trend is the same worldwide, and India is also not an exception to it. due to change in the lifestyle, increased paying capability of people, & readiness to try different cuisines make the niche exciting. If you are planning to launch an eating outlet, then it is the right decision. The only thing is you must be proactive in taking your business to the customers. It is not just the delicious food that matters, but the customer service is an equally important aspect. People sometimes tolerate the taste, but just don’t feel comfortable with pathetic customer service. Making use of new-age marketing methods such as SMS marketing will be a good idea.
Tips To Get The Maximum Benefit
1. Make The SMS Marketing List Online & Act Fast
When SMS gives you a competitive edge, why to waste time making the mailing list? If your website collects the mobile number of the customer, you can build the mailing list online. Before the user finishes browsing your website, you should be ready with the promotional messages. Since the readability of the SMS is much higher than Email, you can expect a quick response.
2. Tell Them What Is Cooking?
When you add something exciting to the menu, or when special occasions are there; your customers must know it. Since the maximum length of SMS text is 456 characters, you have a great scope for using creativity. It is possible to insert links in the SMS which means you don’t have any limitation.
3. Make A Habit Of Releasing Special Offers
The secret to the success of SMS marketing is to make the things lively. Keep on releasing special offers and update customers about it. Identify time slots when the hotel or restaurant you won is less crowded. Design special promo offers to make use of these lean times using SMS marketing.
4. Inform What You Have Planned On Calendar Events?
Everyone knows that there is something special on calendar events, e.g., Diwali, New Year, Christmas, Valentine’s Day and so on. Your SMS marketing must keep people updated about your plans on these special occasions.
5. Accept Bookings Through SMS
Don’t restrict SMS for informing people about your business. Make it a business generating tool as well. Accept table bookings via SMS. It is incredibly convenient for your customers. They will be delighted by it. You will see a phenomenal upswing in the footfall.