Start-up companies usually have a firm, low marketing budget. Small-time entrepreneurs and those starting in business can find it challenging to grow their business at their desired rate while sticking to their budget. Here are some high traction marketing ideas you can use on a low budget.
Why Consider Business Traction?
Traction within a business is the amount of growth a small business achieves when they start-up. It is about the momentum of the venture, how it grows and builds. Whether sales steadily climb or drop dramatically after the first week. You want your traction to be the best it can be.
Traction is not directly related to profits; instead, to the attitude and eagerness of the consumer. A larger company might have excellent traction but sporadic sales and profitability. If you have many visitors to your site, interactions on your posts, and everybody is talking about your business – you probably have good traction.
It is also essential when attracting investors. It shows your company can grow if they invest a little capital in you. A business with excellent traction and great sales may be less desirable to investors as there is less of a gap between what returns are possible and what is already being done. Investors are looking for a quick return. This is the reason that a high level of traction early on in your business can set you off to an incredible start.
Marketing Hints
You want to keep your marketing low and your traction high. Keep that in mind throughout the construction of your marketing plan. Always consider the marketing option, how much it costs and the level that it impacts positively on your traction.
Contact bloggers and vloggers that your target audience follows. You want them to include your product or service on their site. As a link, a review, any mention is a positive step. When your target audience is exposed to your business through a trusted resource, they are far more likely to recommend you and form an interest in your brand themselves. Thus, gaining traction. Research how much of a following the blogger has and if they include many products from other businesses on their sites. Contact them and build a relationship where possible. Explain that you are a small business trying to gain traction and they might just give you some exposure free of charge. You can always promise to reciprocate and mention their blog of your own. If you both have a similar target audience, it is beneficial both ways.
Go Public
Contact journalists and magazine writers in your area. Write about your new business to local media and contact your local radio station. Join Facebook and other social media groups related to your business and target audience and let the group know about your business. These are all fantastic ways to gain traction without spending any money.
Branded Event
You can run an event in person of via live stream. Think of some brand-related ideas that you can use to make the event a success. Ensure that the event is highly branded. Create a logo for free at logocreator.io.
You can give away free branded stickers or have a prize for a competition of a branded mug or mouse mat. Click here for a link to Vistaprint, a branded product creator site.
The prize does not have to break the bank but should be desirable for your audience. Something that sticks in the mind of the consumers. Make the event something to be spoken about far and wide and you are sure to gain some great traction.
The more confidence you have in your business and the positivity you display when speaking to people, the more excited they will be about what you are doing. Make your business into an event in itself and tell the world. Remember that the higher the traction at the start, the more interested investors are likely to be. Contact them when your traction is at its peak for best results.